Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's ganna be fucking sweet.

Good Evening,

My name is Teo. I am studying abroad this upcoming spring semester (i'm on a trimester, yeah it sucks balls) to the amazing Dubrovnik, Croatia.
I bet you're asking yourself:
"Where the balls is Croatia?"
You don't know where Croatia is? I bet you don't even know where the nation of Chad is. You didn't?

Here is a map of Europe.

Now you know where I'll be living for awhile.

"Hey Teo, that doesn't explain what this blog is though.
What is it? Don't you already blog on Teodorant.com?"

Let me tell you, oh geography challenged reader, this a place where my friends and I can keep in touch while I am abroad. Forget long e-mails, and screw the telephone. We're going to draw comics and pictures about what we're doing, or harassing each other. I

It's ganna be fucking sweet.

Love, Teo

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